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Vibrational Medicine and Sound Healing by Ancient Civilizations

Consider, the Egyptians used certain resonant vowel sounds in their ancient rituals; these vowels were considered so sacred that they were banned from everyday language and did not appear in the written language of hieroglyphics. Further, Egyptians used an instrument called asistrumduring ceremonies, a rattle with metal disks attached to it, which has been shown to create exceptionally high levels of ultrasound.

Vibration that makes you go Hmmm?

There are some, such as Egyptian archaeologist Dr. Abd’ el Hakim Awyan, who believe that the pyramids themselves were used for sound healing. Dr. Abd’ el suggests that the large granite sarcophagi which have been found inside various pyramids were not sarcophagi at all, but rather conducive platforms for people to lie on and absorb sound vibrations resonating through the chambers. As he explains,

“Every chamber within the pyramid has a specific harmonic replicating the harmonics of the cavities of the human body. Sound healing techniques were then used to restore the patient’s body to the correct harmonics.”

When considering whether the pyramids of Egypt were used in sound healing, it should be mentioned that a similar, much older temple was found on the island of Malta in the early 1900s, a Neolithic underground complex that displayed exceptional sound behavior.”

Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum

Could this be the same effect Abd’ el is describing in Egyptian pyramids?

Crucially, Coimbra and his team noted that all of the underground rooms resonated at the same frequency – exactly 111 Hz. This is significant, not only because 111 Hz has been called the “holy frequency,” but because when Pythagoras created a musical scale during the experiments which followed his experience with the blacksmith’s hammers, it started with an A note, which resonated at, yes, 111 Hz.

Yet, vibrational medicine goes back further and stretches across the cultures of humanity; it is not just the arena of the Middle East and the Mediterranean. 40,000 years ago in Australia, the world’s oldest wind instrument, the yidaki– now known as the ‘didgeridoo’ – was used to heal broken bones, muscle tears, and illnesses. Native American pow wows, with drumming, chanting, and singing, have been used to treat mental and physical illness for many thousands of years. The Buddhist monks of Tibet have long incorporated the vibrations of singing bowls and gongs into their ceremonies and meditations.

The list could go on, but the point seems clear. Ancient cultures appear to have possessed knowledge about the healing powers of sound and vibration, a knowledge rediscovered by Tesla at the end of the 20th century.

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